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1-631-757-0500 [email protected] long island new york art gallery

“Ornamented” Group Show
June 24th – July 30th, 2017
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 24th, 2017, 6-8pm

Northport, NY– Haven Gallery is pleased to present “Ornamented”, a group exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculpture focusing on the highly ornate and detailed periods of art history. This exhibition specifically focuses on themes and styles present in the visual arts including but not exclusive to paintings, drawings, sculpture, architecture, literature, interior design and fashion. Periods of art such as the Rococo known for its lush details, romantic curves and elegance along with the art of the illuminated manuscript with their stories, colorful illustration, strong narratives and decorated borders have been especially considered for this exhibition. Through their work, artists are revisiting tales of the past, exploring the illuminating effects of their palettes, visiting the French court and surveying the integration of grandiose details found in these periods resulting in a visual blending of the historical with the contemporary.

Exhibiting artists include: Jel Ena, Redd Walitzki, Sonya Fu, SoMK, Socar Myles, Janet Cook, Sara Scribner, Shane Scribner, Miso, Octoplum, Kelly Houghton, Rebecca Yanovskaya, Christina Ridgeway and Marc Scheff

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