Jeff Echevarria
“Echo of Dreams”
March 30th – April 28th, 2024
Haven Gallery is pleased to present “Echo of Dreams”, a collection of new charcoal and graphite drawings by New Jersey based artist, Jeff Echevarria. “Echo of Dreams” is Echevarria’s second solo show at the gallery and features twelve new narratives meticulously drawn and shaded, chronicling the lives and magic found in realms of mythology and fairy. Echevarria’s hand and imagination unfold adventures and dreams straight out of fairy tales and high fantasy. Viewers are reminded of their own childhood musings and quests where animals carry conversations and the worlds vastness invites curiosity and creativity.
Echevarria’s technique is praised for its realistic tendencies, but also its heartfelt approach to technique and story telling. Each drawing is masterfully drawn but imbues heavy emotion as the artist revisits stories of the past with new eyes and perspective. A near death experience, resulting surgery and subsequent rehabilitation, left Echevarria with an opportunity to learn again how to draw and see the world anew. His art represents just that; a beautiful revival and celebration of perspective; a familiar but novel visit to the transportive and comforting worlds of the supernatural and a revival of hope. A reminder of the power and strength of human perspective and heart.