Brian Masbhburn, “Dog and Pony”
July 27th – August 25th, 2019
Opening Reception: July 27th, 6-8 pm
Northport, NY – Haven Gallery is pleased to present “Dog and Pony”, a solo exhibition of new works by Brian Mashburn. “Dog and Pony” is Brian’s second solo show at the gallery and will host a new series of oil paintings. Brian’s work showcases the beauty of animals, often using his own taxidermy and museum visits as reference. His paintings suggest a world void of human existence, but whose influence still manages to shape the landscape. The animals are painted with intricate detail and bold colors that contrast perfectly with the muted palette of their backgrounds. Fauna and Mashburn’s animal sitters serve as inviting entryways into the hauntingly beautiful, oftentimes omninously atmospheric landscapes.
Mashburn’s paintings beckon you to get lost in all the details meticulously placed throughout his landscapes. Intrigue and story unravel further as more time is spent gazing into the multiple layers of silhouetted architecture and place. A beautiful yet foreboding warning lingers of what our future may entail coupled with the strength and perseverance of the ever resilient natural world.