“La Lune II” Group Exhibition
Opening Reception: August 31st, 6-8 pm
August 31st – September 29th, 2019
Northport, NY — Haven Gallery is pleased to present “La Lune”, a group exhibition focused on mythologies surrounding the moon as well as its artistic interpretations. The moon has pervaded history, culture, myth and the natural sciences since the earliest people walked the planet. Multiple meanings interpreted through forms of magic, folklore, empirical theories and conclusions, religious scriptures and more can be found among cultures from all over the world.
The luminescence and reoccurring nightly presence of the moon has been a constant for all living things on Earth. Life as we know it would be vastly different without the existence of a moon. With the earliest purpose thought to be as simple as a light source at night to modern day understandings of its effect on the Earth’s rotation and tides, the moon has found itself playing a fundamental role in the lifespans of all forms of life on this planet. Consequently, the appearance of the moon is a natural phenomenon accepted and embraced by all societies and resultantly, permeates all forms of popular media and culture.
“La Lune” asks artists to contemplate and create a work of art based off of these empirical, spiritual, fantastical and/or religious views of the moon amidst historical and contemporary society. Interpretations may span past humanity to include the effects of the phases of the moon on the animal kingdom and botany as well. Additionally, inspiration will be derived from ancient times, such as goddesses of Greek Mythology dedicated to the moon to modern day media including comics, movies and music.
Artists include: Ransom & Mitchell, Olga Esther, June Leeloo, Ted Pim, Ingrid Tusell, Tracy Lewis, Teagan White, Daria Aksenova, Julie Filipenko, Stephanie Buscema, Zoe Williams, Sam Guay, Riichard A Kirk, Allen Douglas, Mark Poole, Jacub Gagnon, Deidre S Beeman, Vanessa Lemen, Ed Org, Dewi Plass, Gina Matarazzo, Jeff Echevarria, Adam Oehlers, Phoenix Chan, Karla Rodriguez (doiletoile), Matt Linares, Allison Reimold, Jel Ena, Mahlimae, Scott Radke, Matt Dangler,Kane Kokaris, Jamie Winn, Eddie Scheibel Ehlers, Brendon Flynn, Nathan Durfee, Yuriko Shirou, Thomas Ascott, Valency Genis, Nom Kinnear King, Julia Gabrielov, Kseniia Boko, Nick Fierro, Pandora Young, Dilka Bear, Craww