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1-631-757-0500 long island new york art gallery

Nom Kinnear King “Woven”
December 17th – January 14th, 2022
Northport, NY–

Haven Gallery is honored to present “Woven”, a solo show of new work from England based artist Nom Kinnear King. “Woven” is Kinnear King’s second solo show at the gallery and features her classical narratives led by women who exist in a familiar world of nostalgia, laced with magic and and kinship with the natural world. “Woven” describes the weaving activities found throughout many of the paintings, but even more so, the life stories that women entwine into the things they make. Whether it be the quilts they sew, the floral bouquets they arrange, the hair they braid or songs they sing, each painting and creative doing channels their own narratives and connects their personal histories with all those around them. STATEMENT ‘Woven’ is a collection that weaves together women in their own worlds of creativity and curiosity. Crafting their tales through costume, textiles, music, and invention. Inspired by past eras of women who found the outlet for their imaginations through the pastimes and traditional handicrafts available to them. Finding ways to hide their secrets and show the individuality in themselves and the magic they saw in the world around them, these private worlds of imagination binding them together in friendship. ABOUT NOM KINNEAR KING Nom, Originally from the Norfolk countryside, studied Fine Art at Norwich School of Art and Design, going on to be based in Melbourne, Brighton, London and Varese Italy. Nom now paints from her Studio back in the flatlands of Norfolk in the fine City of Norwich. Gathering inspiration from found objects and her surroundings; working in oils and pastels to create imaginary female portraits. The subjects are girls who roam from town to town in a patchwork old fashioned never world, where rusty melodies trail their steps, their curious behavior shadowed by sweet melancholy. Influenced from a young age by her father’s love of the impressionists, magical realism in literature, film and folklore from around the world. Nom has been filling her notebooks throughout the years with her solitary wanderers.

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